Friday, July 22, 2011

Daughter's wedding card

This is the card i have mad efor my daughter's wedding. I am very pleased with the outcome although i did not photgraph it too well.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

This is a tissue box I made recently. It was a lot nicer before Jazz started picking at it. It was easy and fun to make/decorate.

new cat bed

I had a large velux blanket on my bed. it was way too big so i gave it a trim. From the left overs i made this bed for my kitties. It has been claimed by my cat Shiloh (aka houdini).

Spring has sprung!

Today i spent a few hours cleaning my 40' balcony. I spend a lot of time out there in the summer so i needed to make it spiffy.

one of my cats...jumped over to the next balcony for a visit. I was NOT amused and now she is grounded from the balcony for a few days!